[M2] (golly 2.0) #C Broken lines pattern - does it work forever? #C Dean Hickerson, 7 May 2005 #C See also http://yucs.org/~gnivasch/life/broken_lines/ #C #C A p48 gun sends LWSSs eastward, while an eastward p24 puffer sends LWSSs #C westward, and a northward p24 rake sends gliders southeastward. When LWSSs #C collide, they send gliders northeast and southwest. The southwest ones #C escape, forming the longest broken line. A northeast glider may crash into #C one from the rake, in a kickback reaction that sends a glider southwest. #C The surviving southeast gliders delete westward LWSSs. #C #C Sometimes a kicked-back glider hits another northeast glider, forming a #C block. Sometimes a block will be deleted by yet another northeast glider. #C But some of the blocks survive, and some of the kicked-back gliders don't #C meet other gliders; in that case they either delete one LWSS from the #C eastward stream, or pass through the westward stream and escape. #C #C There's just one problem: It's possible that a block may be formed close #C enough to the LWSS streams so that a LWSS will hit it; in that case it's #C possible (but not certain) that a mess will form that will prevent future #C LWSS collisions, and maybe destroy the gun. It doesn't happen within the #C first 535000 gens, but I'm not willing to guess that it never will. (I #C think that the times when the pattern could fail are exponentially sparse, #C so even if I knew that it worked for billions of generations, I wouldn't #C be confident that it always would.) $$$$$$$.....***$ 4 0 0 0 1 $$$$$$$...***$ 4 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 2 4 6 0 0 5 0 7 0 0 6 0 8 0 0 0 7 $$$$$$...*..*$.******$ 4 0 0 9 0 5 0 0 10 0 $$$$$$.......*$......*$ 4 0 0 0 12 $$.......*$......*$.......*$$......*$......**$ .....**$.**...*$**.*.*$...*$*****.*$*...***$..**...*$***.****$ $$.......*$$.*.**$.**.*$*$..**$ ...*$**....**$..*...*$*....*$.*.*$...**.**$...*****$......*$ 4 14 15 16 17 ......*$.......*$ $$$.......*$......*$......*$.......*$ 4 0 19 0 20 **.*...*$..*...*$.*....**$...**.*$*..*...*$*..***$..**$*..***$ *$*$.......*$$*...*$*..**$*...*$*......*$ *..*...*$...**.*$.*....**$..*...*$**.*...*$..**$*$.**.*$ *.....*$......*$$*$*$ 4 22 23 24 25 5 13 18 21 26 *$*.******$*.*...*$*...**$****.*.*$....*.**$.**..***$.*$ .*$**..*$..***$**$...**$*...*$***$.**$ 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