[M2] (golly 2.7) #R B3/S23 #C Total periodic, by Bill Gosper. #C #C Without the block, every cell in the universe is aperiodic. #C #C The block starts to delete the nth shuttling glider at time #C 14 - 35 (-1)^n - 2 n +=A0 (1 + 12 n) 3^(2 + 5 n) #C 28478, 13286000, 4778186074, 1537671920812,... #C each time lurching slightly northeast. Thus every cell in #C the universe is eventually permanently vacant. #C #C Neil Bickford has "shewn that" no shuttling glider escapes #C the reflecting walls, although all that is required is that #C infinitely many hit the block. $$$$$$$......*$ 4 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 3 $$$$...**..*$...**..*$ 4 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 6 .....***$....**.*$....***$.....**$ $.....*$....***$...*..**$...***$ .....***$.....*$.....*$.....*$......*$ $*$$$*$ 4 8 9 10 11 $$$...***$..*..*$.....*$.*...*$.....*$ ..*.*$ 4 13 0 14 0 $$$...***$...*..*$...*$...*...*$...*$ ....*.*$$$***$****$**.**$..**$ $$$$$....**$...****$...**.**$ 4 16 0 17 18 $$$$..*$.***$**.*$***$ .**$$$$$...*..*$.......*$...*...*$ 4 20 0 21 0 5 12 15 19 22 .**$****$**.**$..**$ 4 0 0 24 0 $$$$$..*$*...*$.....*$ *....*$.*****$$$$$.....**$......**$ $......*$$......*$.......*$ 4 26 0 27 28 $$$$$$$.*****$ $$$$$.....***$....*$ *....*$.....*$*...*$ ....*..*$ 4 30 31 32 33 .....**$.....*$$$......**$*....***$*....**$*......*$ $$$$$*$**$*$ 4 35 36 0 0 5 25 29 34 37 .....**$ $.*$..*$..*$***$ $$$$$.......*$.......*$ 4 0 39 40 41 ....****$$$$$...***$.....*$.....*$ ....*$$$$..**$**.**$****$***$ 4 43 0 44 0 5 42 45 0 0 6 7 23 38 46 7 0 4 0 47